However, though wooden sandpits are seemingly harmless, it is not that these cannot harm children all together. There are certain things that you require to take care of at the time of letting children play inside the wooden sandpits.
Firstly, you need to ensure that the wooden sandpit has been properly engineered and correctly finished so that there are no wood fragments coming out of the edges of the sandpits, which children are often in the habit of holding. Fragments might enter children’s tender skin and causeirritation. Also you need to pay attention and take care that there are no harmful objects like nails and nuts and bolts jutting out of the wooden sandpits which can again harm children.
Another care should be taken about sand used inside the wooden sandpits. If you have a beach around your place, it seems logical that you will fill in sacks of sand from the beach and put it in the wooden sandpit, but this is hardly advisable. The reason being, there might be harmful objects like broken glass, stones and other litter in this sand, all these objects coming in contact with kids is certainly harmful. Therefore what is advisable is that you use sand which is available at a local hardware store or a nursery. This sand is generally cleaned and dried before it is put up for sale. So you will be assured that your children will not come in contact with harmful objects.
Another advantage about the sand which is bought from stores is that, this sand avoids dirtying clothes of the children who play in the sand. You also need to be careful that the wooden sandpit has proper outlet for the water to pass, in case children fill it up with more water than it can handle.
You can also ensure that your child stays in the best of his health by taking care that your pet does not enter the wooden sandpit to play with your children, the reason being the pet might get into the habit of dirtying the sand which they naturally love, and this might make it impossible to allow your children playing in it. If sometime by error you overlook the fact that your pet has dirtied the sandpit, it can turn into a nightmare that your children have played in the same sandpit.
So in order to keep your sandpit in top condition it is advised that you cover the sandpit with a cover or a tarpaulin after it has been used only to be removed the next day for your children to play again. Clean and hygienic environment will ensure that your children remain fit and healthy
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