Friday, July 20, 2007


I have tried to raise my children to understand that we are all different, but that everyone bleeds the same. I have taught them that when an ambulance races by with it sirens blaring, someone is in need. I have instilled in them that every person who fights for our freedoms deserves our respect and gratitude. I have taught them to stand up for themselves and their beliefs. And I have taught them love. As a mother, you always wonder “Are they really listening? Do they understand what I am saying? Do they know how important this is?”

One Sunday, my mother had my daughter at the mall. A man in a wheelchair was pushing through the mall beside them. My daughter looked over and with a great big grin said “Hi! My name is Sierra, and this is my mamaw.” The man looked over and smiled.
He said hello back and tried to continue on. My daughter would not have it. She continued talking to the gentleman for another few minutes telling him all about her school and her friends… anything she could think of. My mother just smiled, this was typical of my daughter. She liked to talk. After a few minutes, the man looked up at my mother. To her surprise, there were tears streaming down his cheeks. “Are you her mother?” he asked. She replied that she was simply the mamaw. He told her that most kids laugh at him and ask him terrible questions. He said that this little girl was the first person to treat him as if he were just like her, walking and laughing. My mom nodded and said that she had been taught well.

My daughter has a heart bigger than any child I have ever met. After 9-11, she drew pictures and put them in our windows. I didn’t realize until I left for work the next morning that she has also made a sign…”support our troops, each picture is .25”. Her own father was overseas fighting, and she was still concerned with other people before her own fears and worries. I bought them all.

I got a call from school one day that my son was in the office. He had been in a fight. My heart sank. This was not how I raised him. I could not believe that he would hurt someone. I picked him up from school and decided we needed to talk. His head was hanging he was obviously upset. “Would you like to tell me what happened today?” I asked, trying very hard not to sound upset myself. He began his story. Apparently, some of the big kids were beating up one of his friends. He told them to get a teacher, but no one wanted to tell. My son decided that someone had better help this kid out, as we getting pretty banged up. My son walked in the middle of the fighting and punched the bully in the gut. He told his friend to get up, that he would take care of it. Now, I do not condone fighting, but I know that he was sticking up for someone who couldn’t stick up for himself. I applaud him for that.

After school let out one day, my daughter walked up with me to pick up her little brother. A young girl in a wheelchair came out and wheeled over to Sierra. She began talking to her and they carried on for several minutes. When the little girl left, I asked my daughter who the girl was. “Oh” she replied, “last year I was a helper. It was my job to get that girl to her classes and help her with her bags and stuff.” I told her I didn’t know she had done that and that I was proud of her. She looked surprised and said “well mommy, someone has to be there for her, I figured it should be me”

Just a few nights ago, my husband and I were in the store with our son. We were standing in line when all of a sudden he started yelling “THANK YOU…. HEY, THANK YOU!!” I looked at my husband, confused and asked what he had done. My husband just smiled and said I think he is talking to him, and pointed to the man in line behind us. There was a man in his military uniform. My son was thanking him for his service.

And finally, if ever they hear a siren, my children immediately bow their heads and say “God bless the people that the sirens are for.”

My children answered; Yes, they were listening.

Nikki Gladwell, Hypnotist
This article is free for republishing

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